Saturday, September 1, 2012

Install Base - CSI_BATCH_TXN_LINES and CSI_TXN_ERRORS out of sync

Sales Order lines workflow has 'FULFILL_LINE' activity which help interface sales order lines to install base. This process inserts records into CSI_BATCH_TXN_LINES table with processed_flag as '0'. Concurrent Program "IB TRANSACTION LINES IMPORT" picks up record from this table and then invoke worker program "IB TRANSACTION LINES IMPORT Worker". Whenever an error is encountered, processed_flag gets updated to '4' in CSI_BATCH_TXN_LINES table and a new record gets inserted into CSI_TXN_ERRORS table.

Now, when we rectify the error and then resubmit error record by navigating to responsibility 'Oracle Install Base Admin', Transaction Errors Processing form, after successful processing of the struck record, it deletes record from CSI_TXN_ERRORS table and does not do anything(update/delete) to corresponding record/s in CSI_BATCH_TXN_LINES table. So, when technical consultants view CSI_BATCH_TXN_LINES table and see that processed_flag = '4' exists, they think that this is error record which is not true as record have already been processed as explained above. This is a standard Oracle Bug which is still under Enhancement Request.