Sunday, September 22, 2013

Windows 7, PLSQL Developer, Connect Error "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"

Operating System version: Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1
PLSQL Developer version:

While trying to connect PLSQL developer to a remote database, we might encounter below error:

We have already verified that PLSQL developer is correctly pointing to correct oracle home which contains all the connection entries in tnsnames.ora file needed to connect to remote database.

Generally, whenever we install a new software in Windows 7 operating system, it installs it in "C:\Program Files (x86)", instead of "C:\Program Files".

Resolution is very weird for this issue. We have moved the installed PLSQL developer folder from  "C:\Program Files (x86)" to "C:\Program Files". Now, we started PLSQL executable and we were able to connect to remote database successfully.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Enable/Disable Concurrent Program Parameters

EBS Release : Oracle Applications : 12.1.3

This post is aimed at helping in enabling/disabling concurrent program parameters. This solution focuses on below requirements:

  1. There are two concurrent program parameters, one which has list of values as associated value set attached, whereas second parameter is such that it is free NUMBER type field.
  2. Whenever users choose concurrent program(View - Requests - Submit a New Request - Single Request), both fields must be enabled initially.
  3. Whenever users populate first parameter, second parameter should become disabled.
Let us consider a use case scenario. Suppose you are required to update attributes of HZ_PARTIES table based upon certain logic. So, you can either required to pass unique value to update attributes for that particular PARTY_NUMBER or you can update for all. But Business has advised that due to huge amount of data, they like to have parameter such that number records can be restricted. A new concurrent program has to be created to do the same.

Here is synopsis of the solution:
  1. Create a new concurrent program(let's name it as "XX: AR Update Parties Attributes")
  2. Two concurrent program parameters viz. "Party Number" and "Number of Records to Process"

Create required value sets
Navigate to responsibility: System Administrator
Application - Validation - Set

Define Value set "XX_AR_PARTIES_VS" as defined in below screenshots:

Define value set "XX_DUMMY_VS" as define in below screenshots:

Define value set "XX_ENABLE_DISABLE_SPECIAL_NUMBER_VS" as defined in below screenshots:

Add below in Event as "Validate"



Create executable, concurrent program, parameters and attach value sets to parameters.

Navigate to responsibility: System Administrator
Concurrent - Program - Executable

Please do not worry about execution file name or logic of program. This has been created only for the name sake. We are only interested in behavior of concurrent program parameters when viewed from SRS(Standard Request Submission Form)

Navigate to responsibility: System Administrator
Concurrent - Program - Define

Value entered in as Default Value "SELECT 'N' from dual where :$FLEX$.XX_AR_PARTIES_VS:NULL IS NULL"

While saving record, click on OK for the error message

Register concurrent program to appropriate request group(Navigate to responsibility: System Administrator, Security - Responsibility - Request)

Navigate to responsibility, where you have registered concurrent program
View - Requests - Submit a New Request - Single Request - Choose concurrent program "XX: AR Update Parties Attributes"

Enter value for "Party Number"

Now, clear the value for Party Number, it should enable Number of Records to Process parameter

You have just learned how to enable/disable concurrent program parameters.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Java - Error Encountered - Warning: Can't read AppletViewer properties file

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Warning: Can't read AppletViewer properties file: C:\Documents and Settings\munish\.hotjava\properties Using defaults.

D:\>appletviewer Applet.html

I ran the same command again and it worked fine. I think that particular thing was created in first run.

Java - Error Encountered - Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Executing class file


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: QuotationTest/java
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class:  Program will exit.


Run using below command:
java QuotationTest

Java - Error Encountered - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Executing class file

java Shirtest

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ShirtTest

CLASSPATH variable is not set for current directory. Please append “.;” at the end of user CLASSPATH variable.

Java - Error Encountered - cannot find symbol

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Error while running command for compiling source files

javac cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Shirt
location: class ShirtTest
        Shirt myShirt;
        ^ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Shirt
location: class ShirtTest
        myShirt = new Shirt();
2 errors

I had added System Environment variable as 'CLASSPATH' and set value as "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\bin". Removed this system environment variable.

Java - Error Encountered - Error while running command for compiling source files

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Error while running command for compiling source files

javac ShirtTest

error: Class names, 'ShirtTest', are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested1 error

Run command below:

Java - Error Encountered - java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError

JDK: External version 6, Internal version 1.6.0 update 25

Error occurred while executing class file

javac ShirtTest

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Shirt (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(


  1. Environment variables not properly set, so set system environment variable ‘Path’ to include path “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\bin\java” or
  2. Run using below command:
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\bin\java" ShirtTest

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OAF - Errors Encountered - View Instances cannot be retrieved

JDeveloper version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

Getting error "View Instances cannot be retrieved: View Instances not found in oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModule"

When new VO is created and associated to AM and whenever it is intended to use created View Instance and View Attributes, system displays above message.

Please choose AM Definition at pageLayout region as the one which has been created instead of putting generic one(i.e. oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModule)

OAF - Errors Encountered - Unable to find component with absolute reference

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

OAF - Errors Encountered - XMLImporter “Aborted”

JDeveloper version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

While trying to import XML files(OAF page files) using command line utility “XMLImporter”, it displays error message as “Aborted”

Please make sure that once you are logged in unix box, run environment file (apps.env and db.env)

OAF - Errors Encountered - The document is not in the XMLPath

JDeveloper version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

Getting error "Unable to open file…..The document is not in the XMLPath…."

Set new directory path to JDEV_USER_HOME environment variable

OAF - Errors Encountered - Could not create Java class

JDeveloper version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

Getting error "oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Could not create Java class: ( associated with region: (MainRN). This is probably because the class name is wrong or not included in project"

While running ‘test_fwktutorial.jsp’ from ‘Tutorial’ project, when clicking on Hello, World, this error was appearing.

I modified ‘oracle\apps\fnd\framework\toolbox\tutorial\webui\’ class from “package oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.tutorial.webui;” to “package;”. Saved project and rebuild. Ran the same jsp file and then it was fine.

OAF - Errors Encountered - 2. 500 Internal Server Error

JDeveloper version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

Getting "500 Internal Server Error
oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsException: oracle.apps.fnd.common.PoolException: Exception creating new Poolable object
Caused by: oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsException: oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsException: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"

This error occurs due to incorrect setting of JDEV_USER_HOME or in other words creating a new directory in JDEV_USER_HOME and putting files there. When I unzip “”, it creates jdev directory inside JDEV_USER_HOME.

My JDEV_USER_HOME was “D:\ JDEV_R12_RUP4\jdevhome”. When I unzip “”, it created folder “D:\ JDEV_R12_RUP4\jdevhome\jdev”. I moved contents of jdev folder into “D:\ JDEV_R12_RUP4\jdevhome” and deleted jdev directory. It worked.

OAF - Errors Encountered - Failed to start Embedded OC4J Server

JDev version "Patch 6908968 10G JDEVELOPER WITH OA EXTENSION ARU FOR R12 RUP4"

While running from JDeveloper run time window displays below error messages:
12/06/21 14:42:01 Error initializing server: At least one valid code-source or import-shared-library element is required for shared-library "global.libraries" in /D:/JDEV_R12_RUP4/jdevhome/system/oracle.j2ee.
12/06/21 14:42:01 Fatal error: server exiting

Actually, I changed main installation directory later on from “D:\Oracle_JDeveloper\JDEV_R12_RUP4” to “D:\Oracle JDeveloper\JDEV_R12_RUP4” but file “D:\JDEV_R12_RUP4\jdevhome\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config\server.xml” still contained references to old path. Corrected path in “server.xml” file. Error was gone.